Thursday, September 29, 2011

Samsung LOGO

I have this phone and I was wondering what the typeface is Samsung and it really hard because the A in Samsung is missing the middle line in it and I thought that was a awesome way to create something different. I was researching the typeface and I think it is Nasdaq but I am really not sure. But it looks really close to it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Starbucks COFFEE

I love this drink. I at least have to have this drink twice or three times in a week. But any who so I was looking up what typeface this logo had and found out it is Freight Sans Black and it is a neat design and surely grabs people attention to drink this product.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Doritos CHIPS

By the way I love these chips. I like the design of the chip bag, I think it is well design. The typeface stands out and looking at the chip package its really neat how they have the blue representing the part where it say "Cool Ranch". Looking at it I was trying to find the typeface for the the logo and I think it is Crillee bold Italic LET.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Ok I am not a fan of best buy so don't ask me but I needed something to post on my blog and yeah I buy things from there but I don't go there often like some people I know do. This is a nice simple design they created for the logo and If I were to pass by this the typeface they choose would attract my eye. The type they used is Futura bold but I am still learning my fonts so I hope I am right.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Research about our Typeface

My type face is American Typewriter and this is the paragraph for research.

Joel Kaden and Tony Stan designed ITC American Typewriter in 1974. Joel Kaden and Tony Stan adapted the friendliness and immediacy of typewriter letter styles into a proportionally spaced typeface, ITC American Typewriter. American Typewriter can be used for business correspondence or in any work that requires an old-fashioned, personal look. The 'A' faces are identical to the regular ones, except for alternate versions of the following characters: &, $, R, e.


So I was passing by KFC after class and I was interested in the logo and the history about it but I tried to find the typeface for it and wasn't sure if I am right. What I got was Friz Quadrafa bold.